Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python

import argparse
import datetime
import glob
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas
import time

import pdb

### Functions for downloading Sentinel-2 data ###

[docs]def connectToAPI(username, password): ''' Connect to the SciHub API with sentinelsat. Sign up at Args: username: Scihub username. password: Scihub password. ''' import sentinelsat # Let API be accessed by other functions global scihub_api # Connect to Sentinel API scihub_api = sentinelsat.SentinelAPI(username, password, '')
def _buildWkt(search_area): """ Function to build a well-known text polygon from a list of extents. Args: search_area: A list in the format [minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat] Returns: A wkt POLYGON string. """ # Get strings from search_area floats lonmin, latmin, lonmax, latmax = [str(float(i)) for i in search_area] wkt = 'POLYGON((%s %s,%s %s,%s %s,%s %s,%s %s))'%(lonmin,latmin,lonmax,latmin,lonmax,latmax,lonmin,latmax,lonmin,latmin) return wkt
[docs]def removeDuplicates(products_df, data_dir = os.getcwd()): '''removeDuplicates(products_df, data_dir = os.getcwd()) Remove images from search results that have already been downloaded Args: products_df: Pandas dataframe from search() function. data_dir: Directory containing Sentinel-1 data. Defaults to current working directory. Returns: A dataframe with duplicate files removed. ''' # Add trailing '/' to data directory data_dir = data_dir.rstrip('/') + '/' # Build a list of files that are already downloaded drop_files = [] for filename in products_df['filename']: if len(glob.glob(data_dir + filename.split('.')[0] + '*')) > 0: drop_files.append(filename) # And drop them from the pandas dataframe products_df = products_df[~products_df['filename'].isin(drop_files)] return products_df
[docs]def download(products_df, output_dir = os.getcwd()): ''' download(products_df, output_dir = os.getcwd()) Downloads all images from a dataframe produced by sentinelsat. Args: products_df: Pandas dataframe from search() function. output_dir: Optionally specify an output directory. Defaults to the present working directory. ''' assert os.path.isdir(output_dir), "Output directory doesn't exist." if products_df.empty == True: raise IOError("No products found. Check your search terms.") else: print('Downloading %s product(s)'%str(len(products_df))) # Download selected products scihub_api.download_all(products_df['uuid'], output_dir)
if __name__ == '__main__': ''' ''' print('The sen1mosaic command line interface has been moved! Please use scripts in .../sen1mosaic/cli/ to operate sen2mosaic from the command line.')