2. Command line tools

The most straightforward way of using sen1mosaic it to call its various stages from the Linux command line. Here the functionality of each of the three commands is explained. In the next section we show how it can be used by example.


Remember, each command line script has a help flag, which can point you in the right direction when in doubt.

2.1. Downloading Sentinel-1 data

Data from Sentinel-1 are available from the Copernicus Open Access Data Hub, which has a graphical interface to download scenes from selected areas. Whilst useful for smaller areas, generating mosaics at national scales requires a volume of data which makes this extremely labour intensive.

The alternative is to download data using the API Hub. This system allows users to search for files using conditions on the command line, and automatically download files. To interface with the API hub, we use an open source utility called Sentinelsat. This operates both as a command line tool, and as a Python API, which we use here. You will need to sign up for an account at Scihub.

download.py is a program to interface with Sentinelsat to download Sentinel-1 files, specifying a particular latitude/longitude ranges, dates and orbital directions.

Help for download.py can be viewed by typing s1m download --help:

usage: download.py [-h] -u USER -p PASS -a LONMIN LATMIN LONMAX LATMAX -s
                YYYYMMDD -e YYYYMMDD [-o PATH] [-d DIR]

Download Sentinel-1 IW GRD data from the Copernicus Open Access Hub,
specifying a latitude/longitude range, date ranges and ascending/descending
orbits. Files that are already present in the destination directory won't be

Required arguments:
-u USER, --user USER  Scihub username
-p PASS, --password PASS
                        Scihub password
                        Extent of search area, in format <lonmin latmin lonmax
                        Start date for search in format YYYYMMDD.
                        End date for search in format YYYYMMDD.

Optional arguments:
-o PATH, --output_dir PATH
                        Specify an output directory. Defaults to the current
                        working directory.
-d DIR, --direction DIR
                        Specify <ASCENDING> or <DESCENDING> if only a single
                        orbital direction should be downloaded. Defaults to
                        downloading both.

For example, to download all data for the August-September 2017 for the longitudes of 34 to 35 degrees and latitudes of -19 to -18 degrees (around Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique), specifying an output location, use the following command:

s1m download -u user.name -p supersecret -a 34 -19 35 -18 -s 20170801 -e 20170930 -o /path/to/S1_data/


sen1mosaic is only compatible with Sentinel-1 data in Ground Range Detected (GRD) Interferometic Wide swath (IW) mode. If you already have access to Sentinel-1 GRD IW data, you can skip straight to the next section. This may be the case if you’re using a cloud platform where Sentinel-1 data archives are stored at the same location as servers.

2.2. Pre-processing Sentinel-1 data

Once you have Sentinel-1 (GRD IW) data, the next step is to calibrate, filter, and perform geometric correction on the data.

preprocess.py takes a list of Sentinel-1 .zip files as input, and inititates a series of SNAP processing chains.

Help for preprocess.py can be viewed by typing s1m preprocess --help:

usage: preprocess.py [-h] [-o PATH] [-n STR] [-t PATH] [-ms N] [-m N] [-f]
                    [-u UNITS] [-s] [-no] [-g PATH] [-st START] [-en END]
                    [-v] [-p N]
                    [S1_FILES [S1_FILES ...]]

Pre-process Sentinel-1 IW GRD data from the Copernicus Open Access Hub to
radiometric/terrain corrected images.

Positional arguments:
S1_FILES              Input files. Specify a valid S1 input file (.zip),
                        multiple files through wildcards, or a directory.
                        Defaults to processing all S1 files in current working

Optional arguments:
-o PATH, --output_dir PATH
                        Output directory for processed files. Defaults to
                        current working directory.
-n STR, --output_name STR
                        String to be included in output filenames for
                        identification. Defaults to 'processed'.
-t PATH, --temp_dir PATH
                        Output directory for intermediate files. Defaults to
                        current working directory.
-ms N, --max_scenes N
                        Maximum number of scenes from an overpass to
                        reconstitute and process together. Higher values
                        result in fewer output files with fewer artefacts at
                        scene boundaries, but require more RAM. Defaults to 3
-m N, --multilook N   Multilooking reduces image noise by degrading output
                        resolution from ~10 x 10 m by a factor. Defaults to 2
                        (~20 x 20 m output).
-f, --speckle_filter  Apply a speckle filter (Refined Lee) to output images.
-u UNITS, --output_units UNITS
                        Output units, set to either decibels (default) or
-s, --short           Perform a more rapid processing chain, ommitting some
                        nonessential preprocessing steps.
-no, --noorbit        Skip downloading of a precise orbit file.
-g PATH, --gpt PATH   Path to graph processing tool. Defaults to
-st START, --start START
                        Start date for tiles to include in format YYYYMMDD.
                        Defaults to processing all dates.
-en END, --end END    End date for tiles to include in format YYYYMMDD.
                        Defaults to processing all dates.
-v, --verbose         Print script progress.
-p N, --processes N   Specify a maximum number of tiles to process in
                        parallel. Note: more processes will require more
                        resources. Defaults to 1.

For example, to run preprocess.py on a set of Sentinel-1 GRD IW .zip files in a directory (specifying an output and a temporary files directory), use the following command:

s1m preprocess -o /path/to/S1_data/ -t /scratch/ /path/to/S1_data/

2.3. Processing to GeoTiff tiles

The final step is to process Sentinel-1 data into a user-specified tiling grid. This script takes Sentinel-1 .dim files or a directory containing .dim files as input, selects the tiles that fall within the specified spatial extent, and mosaics available data into single-band GeoTiff files for easy use in classification systems.

mosaic.py takes input .dim files and generates an output image with a specifed extent (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) and projection EPSG code as input. The script outputs a mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of Sentinel-1 backscatter for each available polarisation.

Help for mosaic.py can be viewed by typing s1m mosaic --help:

usage: mosaic.py [-h] [-te XMIN YMIN XMAX YMAX] [-e EPSG] [-res RES]
                [-st START] [-en END] [-o PATH] [-n NAME] [-p POL] [-v]
                [S1_FILES [S1_FILES ...]]

Collate preprocessed Sentinel-1 data into mosaicked tiles. This script mosaics
Sentinel-1 data into a customisable grid square, based on specified UTM
coordinate bounds. Files are output as GeoTiffs of mean, min, max, and
standard deviation of each available backscatter.

required arguments:
                        Extent of output image tile, in format <xmin, ymin,
                        xmax, ymax>.
-e EPSG, --epsg EPSG  EPSG code for output image tile CRS. This must be UTM.
                        Find the EPSG code of your output CRS as
-res RES, --resolution RES
                        Output resolution in metres. If not specified,
                        defaults to 20m.

optional arguments:
S1_FILES              Input files from preprocess.py. Specify a valid S1
                        input file (.dim), multiple files through wildcards,
                        or a directory. Defaults to processing all S1 files in
                        current working directory.
-st START, --start START
                        Start date for tiles to include in format YYYYMMDD.
                        Defaults to processing all dates.
-en END, --end END    End date for tiles to include in format YYYYMMDD.
                        Defaults to processing all dates.
-o PATH, --output_dir PATH
                        Output directory. If nothing specified, downloads will
                        output to the present working directory, given a
                        standard filename.
-n NAME, --output_name NAME
                        Optionally specify a string to precede output
-p POL, --pol POL     Specify a single polarisation ('VV' or 'VH') or
                        'both'. Defaults to processing both.
-v, --verbose         Print script progress.

For example, to run mosaic.py in the directory /path/to/S1_data/ which contains pre-processed Sentinel-1 files to create a 200 x 200 km output tile in the UTM36S projection at 20 m resolution, input:

s1m mosaic -te 600000 7900000 800000 8100000 -e 32736 -r 20 /path/to/S1_data

To do the same operation, but specifying an output directory and a name to prepend to outputs from this tile, input:

s1m mosaic -te 600000 7900000 800000 8100000 -e 32736 -r 20 -o /path/to/output/ -n tile_1 /path/to/S1_data/